Resonance science is explained through connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry as well as anthropology and archeology. These studies led Nassim Haramein, a leading cosmologist and physicist to groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance.
Haramein’s findings are based on a fundamental geometric quantization of spacetime, formalizing a unification between the quantum scale and cosmological-sized objects, including the universe itself. Haramein's seminal paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” was published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review & Research International in 2013 (credit
Humanity now has a model for explaining what the ancient wisdom cultures, such as Oriental Medicine have always known, which is that we are a part of nature and that we can heal ourselves with this knowledge. Individuals, while seemingly separate, are actually ‘whirlpools’ of energy connected to the Unified Field in which everything exists.
The 3 R’s are the basis of Transparent Wellbeing and creating harmonious health and energetic wellbeing in all that you so.
Recognition (I am 99.1% energy)
Reflection (what can I do to support myself in this moment)
Re-set (take action to Self-regulate)